The Path of Weather Mastery

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Tales have long been told of wizards who could control the weather. The powers of this path are said to predate the Tremere clan by several centuries, as the sorcerers of the Assamites and the Followers of Set wielded such powers to help their herds with crops during times of famine. Utilizing the Path of Weather Mastery, you have learned to subtly manipulate the weather or summon the fury of storms and lightning.

Note that the following powers must begin at a point within the thaumaturge’s line of sight.

• Fog

Initiates of the Path of Weather Mastery can summon forth fog to blanket an area or landscape.

System: Spend 1 Blood and use your standard action to summon fog. Over the next hour, fog will form over a large area, up to one mile in diameter for each dot of the Occult skill you possess. Anyone caught in this fog is unable to see more than five to 15 steps. The amount of naturally occurring moisture in the air determines this fog’s density.

Your Storyteller has final say over exactly how long it takes the fog to form and how aggressively it blocks vision, based on your location and current weather conditions. The fog lasts for one hour for each dot you possess of the Occult skill, unless you choose to end this power early. Once Fog ends, its effects slowly fade, evaporating over the next hour.

Focus [Perception]: In addition to the standard use of Fog, you can spend 1 Blood and use your standard action to instantly fill an area up to the size of a large ballroom with a thick fog. If used outdoors, your fog extends 50 steps in every direction, with you at the center.

Individuals in your instantly-created Fog cannot see more than three steps away. Characters wishing to attack or use a power on characters more than three steps away must use the Fighting Blind combat maneuver. Powers that allow you to see in total darkness, such as Eyes of the Beast cannot be used to bypass Fog, but powers that allow you to compensate for your lost sight like Heightened Senses can bypass this restriction. This Fog lasts for one minute for each dot you possess of the Occult skill, but you can dispel it early by expending a simple action.

•• Fluctuation

You have learned to subtly control the local weather patterns, slowly fluctuating the temperature up or down according to your needs.

System: Spend 1 Blood and use your standard action to alter the temperature within a one-mile radius. You can raise or lower the temperature by up to 5 degrees Fahrenheit for each dot you possess of the Occult skill. This temperature change happens slowly, shifting 1 degree each hour until it reaches the desired level. Once there, power persists for one hour for each dot you possess of the Occult skill, before the temperature slowly returns to normal.

Focus [Intelligence]: In addition to the standard effects of Fluctuation, you can spend 1 Blood and use your standard action to raise or lower the temperature in an area up to the size of a large ballroom. You can set the temperature anywhere between -20 degrees Fahrenheit and 120 degrees Fahrenheit. At its coldest, this power can freeze water in three turns. At its hottest, it can cause unprepared mortals to suffer from heat stroke, wither plants, and dry out inanimate objects within a few minutes.

••• Gale

Via the power of your blood, you have the ability to command potent gales of terrifying force.

System: Spend 1 Blood and use your standard action to call up high winds in a one-mile radius for each dot you possess of the Occult skill. You can summon up winds that blow at up to 30 miles per hour, with gusts of wind up to twice that speed. This increase in wind speed happens slowly. Winds increase in speed by one mile per hour every 10 minutes, until reaching the desired speed. Once the wind reaches the desired speed, this power lasts for 10 minutes for each dot you possess of the Occult skill, before slowly returning to normal. High winds can cause random black outs, road blockages, grounded flights, and damage to property at the Storyteller’s discretion.

Focus [Intelligence]: In addition to the standard effect of Gale, you can spend 1 Blood, use your standard action, and make an opposed challenge using the Thaumaturgy test pool to fire a blast of air at your target. If your target fails to dodge, she is hammered by a violent gust of wind, knocked back up to 6 steps, and lands prone. If your target impacts a solid surface, she takes 2 points of normal damage.

•••• Storm

You have learned to summon and control potent storms of great destructive power, which can wreak havoc upon your enemies and property alike.

System: Spend 1 Blood and use your standard action to call up a Storm. This Storm blankets a wide radius in high winds and rain, or snow, if the temperature is low enough. The wind speed rises across the area of effect until it reaches 20 miles per hour. Your area of effect is a one-mile radius for each dot you possess of the Occult skill. Gusts of wind in the area can reach 40 miles per hour. This increase in wind speed happens slowly. Winds increase in speed by one mile per hour every 10 minutes until reaching the desired speed. Once the wind reaches the desired speed, this power lasts for 10 minutes for each dot you possess of the Occult skill.

By concentrating and taking no other action for 10 minutes, you can further ravage a one-block radius, intensifying the storm in that area. To do this, you do not need to see the affected area, but you must be familiar with that area. If you employ this effect, the target area suffers from power outages, flooding, and property damage. Roads become impassable, blocked by downed trees and other debris.

Focus [Perception]: In addition to the standard effect of Storm, you can spend 1 Blood and use your simple action to surround yourself with a swirling storm. This miniature maelstrom lasts for one full turn for each dot you possess of the Occult skill. Once per turn, while this power is active, you can expend a standard action to employ the focus effect of the Gale power, without spending Blood.

••••• Lightning

The very weapon of the gods, lightning, is yours to command, smiting your enemies.

System: Spend 1 Blood and use your standard action to make an opposed challenge. If you succeed, you can strike your target with a bolt of lightning. Individuals struck by lightning suffer 4 points of normal damage.

A lightning bolt can either come from your outstretched hand, or, if you are outdoors when you use this power, it can strike down from the clouds above.

Exceptional Success: Your lightning bolt inflicts 5 points of normal damage, instead of the standard 4.

Focus [Perception]: When you hit an opponent with Lightning, you may choose to either blind the target for one full turn or stun her, causing her to lose her next simple action. If a character is hit by more than one lightning bolt in a single turn, she can suffer both of these effects, but cannot be subjected to the same effect twice in a single turn.



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