Rules thou Shalt Not Break

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See also: Discipline and Standards Policy

These are the most important and immutable rules of MET, the ones that keep your game and your players safe from folks who either don't care that you're playing a game, or who take the game way too seriously. Always adhering to these rules will also keep your game amenable to law enforcement and other non-player folks. Anyone breaking these rules can be asked to leave, at any time.

NO TOUCHING. Plain and simple. If characters and players are friends and don’t mind, then that's fine. But unless it is agreed upon in advance by both players - sometimes called consenting to physical role play - assume that you can not and WILL NOT touch another player.

NO STUNTS. That means none whatsoever. It's far too easy for things to get out hand in the heat of the moment. Save the stunts for your imagination. If you can imagine you're a centuries-old vampire, you can imagine you're swinging on a chandelier or leaping across rooftops.

NO WEAPONS. No matter how careful you are. Whether it's to prevent some fool from skewering himself on your new dagger, or to make sure the police don't think you're a threat, weapons of any sort are forbidden. Even fake or toy weapons, trained attack gerbils, and laser pens are not allowed; use item cards instead.

NO DRUGS OR DRINKING. Well, duh. At best it's tasteless; at worst it's illegal. Don't do it. Players who are impaired are a threat to other players and the game. It's one thing to play a character who is drunk or stoned, but another thing entirely to actually come to a game under the influence. We play in a public area, with many individuals who are not in our game. Do not come to game drunk or stoned, do not get drunk or stoned at the game site. What you do on your own time is none of our business, but once “Game On” is called, it becomes Staff’s problem.

IT’S ONLY A GAME. If a character dies, if a plot falls apart, if a rival gets the upper hand, it's just a game. You and the rest of the players are doing this for fun. Taking things too seriously, or taking character issues into real life, will only spoil everyone's enjoyment, including yours. Remember, playing a game should be fun — if you're not having fun, it's time to reassess. Remember to leave the game behind when the session's over. "Soft" role-playing (conversing in character without challenges) can be fun, and there's nothing wrong with talking about the game afterward at the local diner (we normally go to Denny’s afterwards). On the other hand, demanding weekly clan meetings or trying to rouse your Primogen to talk business at three in the morning signifies the need for a change in perspective.

BE MINDFUL OF OTHERS. Not everyone around you is playing the game, and it's in extremely poor taste to try to feed off passers-by. You want to ensure that your game and your players are welcomed. Frightening people and getting the local law enforcement called on you is not the way to do it. This is especially important because we are playing in downtown Mountain View. We have done our best to keep a good dialogue with the local law enforcement and businesses in the area. Please continue to do so.

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