Status Bans

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Vampire sects are judgmental institutions, with very strong ideals of right, wrong, and “appropriate.” To maintain the status quo, each sect recognizes certain status bans: limits on the levels of prominence “unworthy” vampires can achieve.

Status bans represent peer deterrents and general denunciation. Those who adhere to society’s ideals are honored as epitomes of the sect’s ideals. Those who behave in opposition to those standards are hampered and limited in their ability to socially advance.

A status ban reduces the maximum number of personal status traits a character can possess. If a vampire is guilty of one of the “defects” listed under the sect’s bans, then her maximum personal status traits are reduced. If such a reduction occurs during a session, any status traits the character holds above the number proscribed by that ban are immediately lost before they can be expended.

In extremely rare cases, a character limited by a status ban can be declared exempt from the ban. Such individuals can petition their sect leadership and beg for removal of the ban. Such petitions must be carried out and approved via the social mechanics of the specific sect.

Lesser Ban A lesser ban is a petty prejudice, one that has limited or minor effects, causing individuals suffering under this ban to be at a mild disadvantage in their society. A character under a sect’s minor status ban has her maximum possible number of personal status reduced to 3. Positional status is unaffected.

Greater Ban A greater ban significantly censures an individual’s political ambitions. A character under a sect’s major ban has her maximum possible number of personal status traits reduced to 1. Positional status is unaffected.

Status Bans in the Camarilla

The Camarilla has the following status bans.

Lesser Bans:

• Applies to members of the Camarilla not Embraced by one of the pillar clans. Gangrel have not yet regained their status as a pillar clan.

• Applies to members of the Camarilla on a Path of Enlightenment

• Applies to members of the Camarilla who do not have any boons registered with the Harpy

• Applies to members of the Camarilla who were once members of the Sabbat, within the past 10 years

Greater Bans:

• Applies to known Caitiff

• Applies to members of the Camarilla who’ve committed diablerie

• Applies to members of the Camarilla who have joined within the last year

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