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- Alternate Paths of Enlightenment
- Anarch Setting Merits and Flaws
- Animalism
- Architecture of the Ivory Tower
- Assamites
- Auspex
- Backgrounds
- Blood
- Blood Bond
- Brujah
- Caitiff
- Camarilla Setting Merits and Flaws
- Cappadocians
- Celerity
- Chimerstry
- Clan-Specific Merits
- Combat Maneuvers
- Complex Scenarios (Combat)
- Courtesies and Intrigues: Domain Law, Customs, and Interpretations
- Daimoinon
- Daughters of Cacophony
- Daytime
- Dementation
- Derangements
- Diablerie
- Discipline and Standards Policy
- Disciplines
- Domain Positions: The Foundation of the Camarilla
- Dominate
- Downtime
- Downtime How To
- Elder Powers
- Example Items
- Feeding
- Followers of Set
- Fortitude
- Frenzy
- Gangrel
- Gargoyles
- General Flaws
- General Merits
- Giovanni
- Golconda
- Health and Damage
- How old can I be?
- Humanity
- In Character Lexicon
- Influence
- Introduction to Core Systems
- Items cards
- Jurisdiction
- Lasombra
- List of Status Traits
- Main Page
- Main Rules Page
- Malkavian
- Mass Combat
- Melee Weapons
- Melpominee
- Merits and Flaws
- Miscellaneous Gear
- Morality Merits
- Mortis Path
- Mytherceria
- Necromancy
- Necromantic Rituals
- Nosferatu
- Noticing Attacks
- Obeah
- Obfuscate
- Obtenebration
- Opposed Challenges
- Patrons
- Playing a Ghoul
- Playing a Vampire
- Potence
- Presence
- Prestation and the Ivory Tower
- Protean
- Protective Gear
- Quick-Start Character Creation Guide
- Quietus
- Ranged Weapons
- Ravnos
- Rules thou Shalt Not Break
- SBM Implementation Rules
- Sabbat Setting Merits and Flaws
- Salubri
- Serpentis
- Skills
- Static Challenges
- Station and Status in the Ivory Tower
- Status Bans
- Status and Vampire Society
- Step Eight: Choose Merits and Flaws
- Step Five: Assign Initial Skills
- Step Four: Assign Initial Attributes
- Step Nine: Spending XP
- Step One: Inspiration
- Step Seven: Assign Initial Disciplines
- Step Six: Assign Initial Backgrounds
- Step Ten: Finishing Touches
- Step Three: Choose a Clan
- Step Two: Record Initial XP
- Step Zero: Approval Process
- Stock NPCs
- Techniques
- Temporis
- Terminology
- Thanatosis
- Thaumaturgy
- Thaumaturgy Rituals
- The Ash Path
- The Bone Path
- The Clans
- The Embrace
- The Flow of Time: Converting Real time to Dramatic Units
- The Lure of Flames
- The Movement of the Mind
- The Path of Blood
- The Path of Conjuring
- The Path of Corruption
- The Path of Elemental Mastery
- The Path of Technomancy
- The Path of Weather Mastery
- The Sepulchre Path
- The Symbel
- The Traditions
- Toreador
- Tremere
- Types of Attacks
- Tzimisce
- Valeren
- Ventrue
- Vicissitude
- Visceratika
- Willpower
- XP Chart